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Earth day Special Quotes | Earthday SMS | Earthday Slogans | Earthday 2010

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 10:18 PM PDT

Earth day Quotes :

*Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. – Mohandas K. Gandhi

*Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple. It is man who complicates it. – Charles A. Lindbergh

*Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi quoted in EF Schumacher, Small is Beautiful.

Earthday Slogans :

# It's your mother calling.DON'T KEEP HER ON HOLD

# Love the earth: it's the only one we've got.

# Save the world, save yourself.

# Learn to recycle and use your bicycle

# Save Earth or Die!!!!!!!!!!!

# The Earth is fine it is the people that are in trouble!


# Treat the earth how you want the earth to treat you

# Keep your surroundings clean make the earth green

# If you don't have faith, replace it with earth day!

# Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature

# Save Earth from Humans

# One Earth,One Chance

# Yesterday we smoked the green, today we keep it clean.

# Go green or I'll scream

# Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.

# Won't anybody think about the children!

# Green is the new black!!

# Don't be mean, go green.
Don't be so hollow, or civilization will be swallowed.
We're the green team, not the mean team.
Take part in Earth Day, and in the future it will pay.

# Turn off the lights before you perish.

# Earth Day Is The World's Birthday!

# Love earth and earth will love you!!

# A clean earth is a happy earth!

# Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.

# Keep it GREEN, Keep it CLEAN!

# r-e-c-y-c-l-e.
n-e-v-e-r p-o-l-l-u-t-e.

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