Refund without matching TDS upto 3 lakh -Fy 2009-10 Instruction 5/2010

Refund without matching TDS upto 3 lakh -Fy 2009-10 Instruction 5/2010

Refund without matching TDS upto 3 lakh -Fy 2009-10 Instruction 5/2010

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:13 AM PDT

As per new rule of Income tax ,Tds claimed in the income tax return must be matched with data uploaded by the Deductor and data posted in form 26AS(Pan ledger) .Due to these instruction ,many refund orders are pending without any fault of assessee. Moreover Income tax rule has not empower deductee to enforce deductor to file revised return or upload the original return so that mismatching can be removed .So department has issued a Internal Instruction to their officer to settle the small cases...

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